Motorcycle Woman
Are you a woman thinking about getting a motorcycle to add spice to your life? Many women are choosing to ride themselves verses being a passenger. What steps will help you make this decision? Well you never know until you try. Do you have a friend who rides? Ask them about how they got started riding their own motorcycle. Search the web and be sure to stop by YouTube and watch some videos on how to ride a motorcycle. Still interested, then we suggest you start looking for a good training course near you.
Motorcycle Training Course
Before you invest in the purchase of a motorcycle you may want to take a motorcycle training course. Most will provide you with a training motorcycle to use while taking the course. Search the web for information on courses and the scope of what they provide.
Here is a good place to start: The Motorcycle Safety Foundation® is the internationally recognized developer of the comprehensive, research-based, Rider Education and Training System (RETS). RETS curriculum promotes lifelong-learning for motorcyclists and continuous professional development for certified Rider Coaches(SM) and other trainers.
We just searched for motorcycle training in our home state of Oregon and this is what we found.
So search on friends!
Course Completed
Congratulations! Now what? Questions and research for the best motorcycle to fit your riding needs. Ask your friends, local motorcycle dealer, look for blogs online for advice. Are there local motorcycle riding clubs in your area to join and chat with? Some women have blogged that they prefer a smaller motorcycle because it is easier to handle, but recently I read where a larger motorcycle was smoother to ride because of the weight of the bike. So don’t fall in love with your first motorcycle because as your riding skills develop your taste in motorcycles may change.
Build Your Confidence
For some it may take time! Start out by riding in your neighborhood and on the back roads of your town. Mile by mile you will start to gain your confidence, as you conquer the curves and hills that you are familiar with. It will help to have a buddy ride along with you to critique your riding style and make suggestions on ways to improve. For even more helpful information check out the book The Women’s Guide to Motorcycling by Lynda Lahman.
Gear Up
Riding can be an expensive sport, but remember to buy the best gear you can afford. All your gear is important but a good DOT helmet will keep your head protected and you’ll live to ride again. Don’t worry about helmet hair, there are so many options, scarves, braids or try a hat. When it comes to gloves, pants, jacket and glasses comfort is necessary but so is protection. Road rash is not only painful but it can be scarring as well, so protect yourself.
Cruise On 
As you start to venture out more and more you will feel more relaxed. To help you avoid the tension grip on your throttle, try a “Crampbuster”. A great testimonial to this product comes from a woman rider Lauren Trantham who is just completing her 10K trip to bring awareness and money to help sex trafficking survivors. As a young woman she rode her motorcycle from the West coast to the East coast by herself! On her facebook page “Ridemyroad” she did a nice blog on how the “Crampbuster” helped ease the pain of holding the throttle on this amazing journey.
So as you begin your new adventure the world can be seen from a different point of view, as a woman motorcycle rider!